University of Massachusetts, Lowell/MIT Haystack Observatory
Pictures taken by Phil Erickson
Elizabeth Kendall - SRI - elizabeth.kendall@sri.com
Anthea Coster - MIT - ajc@haystack.mit.edu
Philip Erickson - MIT - pje@haystack.mit.edu
Joshua Semeter - Boston University - jls@bu.edu
Bill Rideout - MIT - brideout@haystack.mit.edu
- Roger Varney - SRI - roger.varney@sri.com
- Ashton Reimer - SRI - ashton.reimer@sri.com
- Supriya Chakrabarti - UML - Supriya_Chakrabarti@uml.edu
- Ivan Galkin - UML - Ivan_Galkin@uml.edu
- Ryan Volz - MIT - rvolz@haystack.mit.edu
- John Swoboda - MIT - swoboj@mit.edu
- Shunrong Zhang - MIT - shunrong@mit.edu
IS spectrum Java applet
- Python Incoherent Scatter tools from Mike and Roger
- pyAMISR python toolkit
Nygren paper on radar and alternating codes
Past years ISR school wiki pages
MIT small radar site
Movie of Arecibo plasma line 2018-07-23
-Summer school staff will be at the hotel to answer questions
09:30 Introduction to the ionosphere (Elizabeth Kendall)
10:15 Break
10:30 ISR as a black box (Bill Rideout)
11:15 Radar 1: Radar Physics (Anthea Coster)
12:00 Lunch (pizza at Millstone)
13:00 ISR Theory 1: ISR phenomena (Anthea Coster)
14:15 Ionosphere – radar data example delivery (Millstone Science Staff)
08:30 Ionosphere – radar data example discussion (Millstone Science Staff)
Examples with references to papers
08:45 Radar 2a: Radar Signal Processing (Josh Semeter)
09:30 Radar 2b: Radar Signal Processing Problem Sets (Josh Semeter)
10:15 Break
10:45 Radar 3: Statistical Signal Processing (Roger Varney)
11:30 The Millstone Hill Geospace Facility Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (Phil Erickson)
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Millstone experiment design and data analysis (Phil Erickson and Bill Rideout)
13:45 Support from non-Millstone ISRs during experiment (Ashton Reimer)
14:00 Experiment Design (group work)
08:30 Lowell Excursion
12:00 Lunch
13:00 ISR Theory 2 (Phil Erickson)
13:45 The NSF Upper Atmosphere Facilities Program (Carrie Black)
14:15 ISR Theory 3 (Phil Erickson)
Wednesday - UML
07:30 Breakfast
08:30 Data Analysis and Fitting 1 (Ashton Reimer and Roger Varney)
10:00 Break
10:15 Data Analysis and Fitting 2 (John Swoboda and Ryan Volz)
11:30 Millstone Science part 1 (Phil Erickson) and part 2 (Shunrong Zhang)
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Work on presentations (coffee available for break)
11:00 Digisonde Science (Ivan Galkin)
11:30 Phased arrays (Roger Varney)
12:15 Lunch
08:30 Student presentations (2x30 min)
09:30 Break
09:45 Student presentations (2x30 min)