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Many instructions here are mirrored from Toby Schneider's instructions at  

Root filesystem preparation

Follow these steps to create a debian wheezy root filesystem.  In this section we will use # host to indicate commands run on the host machine, and # chroot for commands commands run inside the chroot filesystem.  

  1. Install dependencies:

    Code Block
    # host
    sudo apt-get install multistrap qemu-user-static
  2. Pick a working folder, in this case ~/duovero
  3. Create a directory to hold the root filesystem:

    Code Block
    # host
    cd ~/duovero
    mkdir rootfs
  4. Create a configuration file debian.conf in ~/duovero and paste in the following.  Additional packages can be included here or installed later using apt-get.  

    Code Block
    bootstrap=Wheezy Net Utils
    packages=apt locales udev adduser sudo nano build-essential less
    packages=netbase ifupdown iproute net-tools iputils-ping ntp
  5. Run multistrap to create the root filesystem.  

    Code Block
    # host
    sudo multistrap -a armel -d ~/duovero/rootfs -f debian.conf

    In ubuntu 14.04 you may need to remove $forceyes from /usr/sbin/multistrap at line 989

  6. Copy the QEMU ARM emulator into the new root filesystem so it is on the path when we chroot in.  

    Code Block
    # host
    sudo cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static ~/duovero/rootfs/usbusr/bin/
  7. (Optional) If you need /dev/random (for installing openssh-server for example), mount /dev in the chroot.  

    Code Block
    # host
    sudo mount -o bind /dev ~/gumstixduovero/rootfs/dev
  8. Chroot into the new filesystem.  

    Code Block
    # host
    sudo chroot ~/duovero/rootfs /bin/bash
  9. Finish setting up packages 

    Code Block
    # chroot
    dpkg --configure -a

    Answer "no" when prompted to use "dash" as "/bin/sh".  If any packages fail to configure (possibly ifupdown), just run dpkg again.  

  10. Set the root user password.

    Code Block
    # chroot
  11. (Optional) Add a new user and give it sudo permissions 

    Code Block
    # chroot
    adduser mit
    printf "mit     ALL=(ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
  12. Configure locales.  Choose 136 138 for en_US.UTF-8.  

    Code Block
    # chroot
    dpkg-reconfigure locales
  13. Add a DNS server 

    Code Block
    # chroot
    printf "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf
  14. Add a static network entry for eth0 (install the isc-dhcp-client package for dhcp support) 

    Code Block
    # chroot
    nano /etc/network/interfaces
    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet static
  15. Restart networking to apply the new interface. 

    Code Block
    # chroot
    /etc/init.d/networking restart

    This might yield an error, but try pinging something anyways and it should work.  

  16. Update the apt repositories 

    Code Block
    # chroot
    apt-get update
  17. Assign a hostname and update the hosts file 

    Code Block
    # chroot
    printf "nostromo" > /etc/hostname
    printf "   nostromo\n" >> /etc/hosts
  18. Add the serial console (specific to gumstix overo and duovero) 

    Code Block
    # chroot
    printf "T0:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty -L 115200 ttyO2 vt102\n" >> /etc/inittab
  19. Add a proc filesystem to fstab 

    Code Block
    # chroot
    nano /etc/fstab
    # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
    # <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
    proc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       0


To avoid permission issues, you should use your user account (not the root account) to check out subversion or git repos.  Sudo may not work in the chroot environment, so you may still need to use the root account for operations that require root access.  


Kernel Preparation

Install dependencies

Code Block
sudo apt-get install u-boot-tools g++-arm-linux-gnueabi

Download the kernel

Code Block
cd   # currently defaults to 4.7duovero
mkdir kernel-dev
cd duovero/kernel-dev
git clone git:// linux -b omap-3.6

Copy the duovero config from the hovergroup svn and create a .config file.

Code Block
cd linux
cp config linux/.config


Software setup


Deploy to SD card

 ~/hovergroup/gumstix-dev/duovero/defconfig arch/arm/configs/duovero_defconfig
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- duovero_defconfig

Build the kernel and modules

Code Block
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- uImage -j2
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- modules -j2

The resulting uImage should be built in arch/arm/boot.  Modules will be installed by the script that makes the SD card.  


Software setup

If it isn't already, mount /dev in the chroot:

Code Block
# host
sudo mount -o bind /dev ~/duovero/rootfs/dev

Enter the chroot and start by installing some additional packages. 

Code Block
# chroot
apt-get install module-init-tools openssh-server screen psmisc

Add the main user to the dialout group so it can access serial ports. 

Code Block
# chroot
usermod -a -G dialout mit

Follow the steps at Software Installation to install MOOS, MOOS-IvP, Goby, and the hovergroup applications.  Make sure you perform these steps as the user account you created, not root.  You may wish to install distcc first to speed up compiling - see next section for instructions. Even if compiling inside the chroot, you may still want to set the compiler to distcc to avoid completely recompiling later.  Distcc will complain about not being able to distribute the compile job but will revert to using local compilation just fine.

Setup Distcc

First on the gumstix/chroot side.  The debian wheezy image we built includes g++-4.6 by default, but Ubuntu 14.04 only has the cross compiler for 4.7, so we'll install 4.7 along with distcc. 

Code Block
# chroot
apt-get install g++-4.7 distcc

There should be some symlinks in /usr/lib/distcc as follows:

Code Block
# chroot
arm-linux-gnueabi-g++-4.7 -> ../../bin/distcc
arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.7 -> ../../bin/distcc

The cross compiler on the host machine will need to match the g++/gcc version listed in your symlinks.  To make distcc the default compiler add the following lines to your ~/.bashrc file:

Code Block
# chroot
export CC=/usr/lib/distcc/arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.7
export CXX=/usr/lib/distcc/arm-linux-gnueabi-g++-4.7
export DISTCC_HOST=  # default remote host to use

On the machine you want to distribute the compile jobs too (host) install distcc and the cross compiler.

Code Block
# host
sudo apt-get install distcc g++-4.7-arm-linux-gnueabi

Add two new symlinks in /usr/lib/distcc

Code Block
# host
cd /usr/lib/distcc
sudo ln -s ../../bin/distcc arm-linux-gnueabi-g++-4.7
sudo ln -s ../../bin/distcc arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.7

Run the distcc daemon on the host

Code Block
# host
distccd --daemon --allow ''

You can add this command to ~/.profile to run on login.


The required files are included in the third-party folder of the hovergroup svn.  Start by building the rtklib applications:

Code Block
# chroot

Then set the launch scripts corresponding to your vehicle to automatically start

Code Block
# chroot
cd /etc/init.d
sudo ln -s /home/mit/hoverland/hover-kayak/third_party/josh_rtklib/
sudo ln -s /home/mit/hoverland/hover-kayak/third_party/josh_rtklib/
sudo update-rc.d defaults
sudo update-rc.d defaults

For some reason this doesn't seem to work when copy pasted, so you may need to type it in. 

Other Modifications

Set permissions on screen at startup

Code Block
# chroot
nano /etc/rc.local

chmod 777 /var/run/screen

Allow [machine] auto ssh login to [remote]

This is required for the automated log fetching scripts to work correctly.  For example, to allow terra to ssh into kestrel without a password prompt:

Code Block
# terra
ssh-keygen -t rsa
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/



Deploy to SD card

Copy the required files from the hovergroup svn:

Code Block
cp ~/hovergroup/gumstix-dev/duovero/u-boot.img ~/duovero/
cp ~/hovergroup/gumstix-dev/duovero/MLO ~/duovero/
cp ~/hovergroup/gumstix-dev/duovero/ ~/duovero/

Insert your sd card, determine its device identifier (/dev/sdb for example), and then run the script.  There are some absolute paths in the script so you may want to look through it before running it.

Code Block
cd ~/duovero
sudo ./mksdcard /dev/sdb
