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iLabs Panel Text
"If you can't come to the lab...the lab will come to you!" - Jesus del Alamo, Professor of Electrical Engineering
iLab - Bringing the Lab to You
The ability to conduct hands-on experiments is critical to helping students link their classroom work to that of the real world. Unfortunately, universities around the world often lack the facilities and sufficient funds to provide the full scale laboratories and work environments needed to conduct such experiments. The iLab architecture provides a solution to this problem.
Today, using the iLab architecture students from Cambridge, UK to Queensland, Australia, and Uganda are greatly expanding the range of experiment they are exposed to. MIT provides on open source development kit ( and a public Service Broker (
). Using this, educators are encouraged to develop their own iLab and then share them with other schools, furthering the main goal of this project - to bring the lab to you.
Principal investigators: Jesus del Alamo, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and MacVicar Faculty Fellow, Steven R. Lerman, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Class of 1922 Professor and Director of CECI, and V. Judson Harward, Principal Research Scientist, CECI.