Unrooted tree is used to run AdaptML. Usually I make them with phyml for 2,000 or fewer sequences:
/home/digev/Softs/phyml_v2.4.4/exe/phyml_linux all_u.phy 0 i 1 100 GTR e e 4 e BIONJ y y
foreach? python ../../latest_adaptml/habitats/trunk/AdaptML_Analyze.py tree=./All_simple_7_ur_particle.phy_phyml_tree.txt2 hab0=16 outgroup=ECK_1 write=./${f}${d}_dir/ thresh=0.025
foreach? perl parse_migration3.pl ./${f}${d}_dir/habitat.matrix > ./${f}${d}_dir/habitat.matrix.tab
foreach? end
Make a list of all of the migration.tab files
ls *_dir/migrationhabitat.matrix.tab > migration_list.txt2
Then use temp_dist2.pl to get the habitat number distribution.
The original migration.tab file in ./040609_dir/ has 6 habitats, so just use that to see the percent matching.
Then use get_stable_habitats5habitats6.pl and you might have to change the percent matching
10 80
12 100
14 99
Make clusters
Once you have found a set of stable habitats you want to go with, then make the clusters. This example is for the tree ./example_noroot.phy_phyml_tree.txt3, outgroup ECK_1 using 9900.file to make the final clusters (using python 2.5.1 and you may have to change the paths to point to the AdaptML software):
python ~/AdaptML_dir/latest_AdaptML/habitats/trunk/AdaptML_Analyze.py tree=./example_noroot.phy_phyml_tree.txt3 hab0=16 outgroup=ECK_1 write=./example_dir thresh=0.05
perl ~/bin/migration2color_codes.pl ./example_dir/migration.matrix color_template.txt > ./example_dir/color.file
mkdir ./example_dir/rand_trials
python ~/AdaptML_dir/latest_AdaptML/clusters/getstats/rand_JointML.py habitats=./example_dir/migration.matrix mu=./example_dir/mu.val tree=./example_noroot.phy_phyml_tree.txt3 outgroup=ECK_1 write=./example_dir/rand_trials/
python ~/AdaptML_dir/latest_AdaptML/clusters/getstats/GetLikelihoods.py ./example_dir/rand_trials/ ./example_dir/
python ~/AdaptML_dir/latest_AdaptML/clusters/trunk/JointML.py habitats=./example_dir/migration.matrix mu=./example_dir/mu.val color=./example_dir/color.file tree=./example_noroot.phy_phyml_tree.txt3 write=./example_dir/ outgroup=ECK_1 thresh=./example_dir/9900.file