YourTurn can be accessed at: http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/yourturn/
The site is compatible with the Google Chrome web browser on a Windows machine.
Ryan Lacey
- HOME page
- Persistent navigation bar
- User management
- login / logout
- registration
- login status dependent page content
- GIVE page
- form with multiple entry tabbing
- submit toys to DBdatabase
- ABOUT page
- layout
- website description
- personal Biobio
- MySQL database and connections
- Persistent YourTurn PersistentYourTurn logo footer
Amruth Venkatraman
- FIND page
- Pull from database
- Filter by search
- Filter by age range
- Added pagination
- Fixed misc issues
Jeffrey Chan
- Multiple conversation tabbing sorted by most recent
- Marked unseen messages
- Dynamic messaging content
- Submit messages to database
- Notifications
- FIND page
- Message owner functionality
- ABOUT page
- Personal bio
Assist the user in learning the checkout system by having some text based information that explains the process. The system resembles other websites by having a cart based interface, but instead of checkout leading to aquistion, our system has checkout lead into messaging the toy owner to arrange for toy exchange.