We have tested our prototype in both Ubuntu 12.04 and Windows 7, using Google Chrome.
Shallow (Backend-Dependent) Features
- Login
- Search
- Favorites are not maintained from screen to screen (favorites would be associated with a logged in user)
- Clicking on a combo does not bring up that combo's page: just a template for what an example combo page would look like
- Discussion: you can write comments, but comments are not saved, only temporarily displayed
- Creating a combo does not actually add it to the database
Complete Features
- table sort (including multi-column sort via holding shift)
- traditional/graphical notation display
- character-specific combo list, via the sidebar
- All steps of combo creation, including:
- form validation before continuing the combo-creation process
- active feedback on the joystick page (in both traditional and graphic notation)
- drag and drop of the moves in the list on the joystick page
- deletion of moves in the list on the joystick page
- simultaneous button input
If a "picture not found" icon shows up in the active feedback portion of the joystick page, that means that your input move isn't actually a valid fighting game move. (This will not be the case for GR5.)