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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


If you know a solution, please feel free to edit this page. If you have additional details (package version, OS version, R version etc.) needed to reproduce the problem, please add them to the comments section of this page.

The problem is probably due to the value option gvis.plot.tag, which should be NULL by default. To get the value of this option, use the command getOption("gvis.plot.tag").

Here are two ways display the googleVis chart "outChart":
1: Set the option gvis.plot.tag to NULL by using the command options(gvis.plot.tag=NULL). Then, the command plot(outChart) will display the chart in a local browser instead of printing code. 
2: Print the chart to a .html file and then display that file. For example, to print the chart to the file "outChart.html" in the current working directory, type print(outChart, file="outChart.html"). The command plot.gvis("outChart.html") will display the chart in a local browser.

See sections 2.4 and 2.5 of for more information.