1. Stanford
About - hours & locations, people, contacts, news, blogs, projects & innovations
Libraries - links to each library
Using the library - access & privileges, “borrow, renew, return”, interlibrary borrowing, connect from off campus, places to study, “print, copy, scan”, access for persons with limited mobility
Guides - by course, by topic
Research support - subject librarians, academic technology specialists, Searchworks, Databases, Socrates
Ask us - 650-725-1064, chat, email us, give us feedback
2. Univ. of Rochester
Services - “borrow, renew & request,” “course reserves & reserves,” “have a citation? find the article,” “interlibary loan,” “place materials on reserve,” “printing, computers, software...,” “recommend a purchase,” “reserve a room”
Research guides and tools - lists all the guides by topic
About the libraries - staff directory, maps & directions, visitors, employment, friends of the libraries, book donations, giving
Collections and Projects - Robbins Digital Projects, Rare Books & Special Collections, Digital Humanities Center, River Campus Libraries Collections (this page lists all their libraries)
Find - books & media, articles, journal titles, databases, course reserves, browse subjects, spatial & numeric data, NC State publications, patens & trademarks, special collections, technical reports, textbooks, theses & dissertations
Get Help - Ask us, citation tools, course tools, reference tools, research guides, research tools, tutorials
Services - “borrow“borrow, renew, request,” computing, copyright guidance, create digital media, disability services, distance learning, groupfinder, faculty/instructor support, reserve a room, “scan, copy, print”, suggest a purchase, technology lending, tripsaver
About - contact us, hours, directories, staff, jobs, fellow program, library representatives, about the libraries, about the collections, special collections, user studies, mission & vision, fact sheet, by the numbers, rules & guidelines, annual reports, memberships & consortia
visiting visiting - directions & parking, building map, virtual tour
libraries libraries - links to each one
community community - friends of the library , giving to the libraries, student advisory board, university library committe, NCSU libraries faculty award
4. Ithaca College
Research guides - links to all the guides
Books - search the library catalog, new titles, new fiction, audio books, ebooks, policies
Articles - article quick search, find a database, find a journal (search, browse), find research guides, how to read an article citation, help
Reserves - students, faculty, copyright and fair use, contact information
Music - search, tips for finding music, browse musical, guides to the music collection, more tips, orchestral parts, new music, music reference desk, contact us
Film - find a movie, browse DVDs, loan periods for multimedia, use policy, multimedia desk, forms, contact us
Writing & Citing - citation styles, how to..., citation tools, guides, words and usage
Services - I’m looking for...(links to lots of things), library service points, library overview, other libraries, contact the library, services for faculty, services for alumni
5. Notre Dame
Search & Find
Help & Guides
Libraries & Collections
About the Libraries
Ask a Librarian
6. Cal Poly
Books - search/find books, course reserves, borrow or renew, ebooks, what’s new
Articles - articles databases, article tips, interlibrary services
Journals - about scholarly journals, find journals, newspapers, current periodicals
More resources - reference materials, Cal Poly research, more resources, special collections, university archives
Help & services - ask us - chat, more help, learn about..., general services, services for faculty, services for students
Study here - experience your library, hours & locations, study spaces & rooms, graduate students, also in the library
Computing - find a computer, labs, reservations & checkouts, problems/suggestions
About - welcome, our mission, about, “news, events, exhibits,” quick links