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For a PI to begin a full proposal, their pre-proposal must be Approved for Full Proposal submission via FMP. During full proposal submission, PIs submit proposals via the full proposal submission interface, and eSG Administrators manage the full proposal submission process via the Administrative Review web interface or the RFP FMP interface. The Administrative Review interface is only for retrieving information, while the RFP FMP interface is for managing the information. |
Budget information enters the system one of two ways: as a single set of totals, in the case of pre-proposals, or as worksheets. Worksheets are automatically compiled in real-time by the system to generate 90-4s. 90-4s always reflect the project, investigator, and funding year data entered in the associated worksheets. Worksheets are editable only via the web, but are easily accessible from the FMP 'Budgets' layout, as well as the following other locations:
FMP - Budgets
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To allow a PI to submit a full proposal, go to the pre-proposal in FMP and toggle 'Approved for FP?' to Yes. This will cause the pre-proposal's Control Panel status to switch to 'Start Full Proposal', and allow them to begin a full proposal. |
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Budget Worksheets |
Layout Descriptions Full Proposals
Budgets PIs add budget worksheets to their proposals, and data from these worksheets are compiled in RFP FMP to create 90-4 forms. The Budgets section of RFP FMP offers 90-4s for browsing by default, but worksheets driving each 90-4 are accessible at top-right. Budget justification (optional in the pre-proposal phase) is editable via the 'Edit' button below the 90-4. New budget worksheets must only be added to a proposal via the proposal submission interfaces.