Methods in exploration series <ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="0970c1a8-8cd4-40e7-a2c8-fc5129bf3f6f"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA* [special publication] - not a true series [NOT DONE]]></ac:plain-text-body></ac:structured-macro> <ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="b037c743-8404-41e0-87f7-3269cfc87ed6"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA* Studies in geology (Tulsa, Okla.) [NOT DONE] / AAPG studies in geology [DONE]]></ac:plain-text-body></ac:structured-macro> <ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="1729c68f-c15d-4a39-a28b-97942086fdfb"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA* Treatise of petroleum geology. Atlas of oil and gas field [NOT DONE]]></ac:plain-text-body></ac:structured-macro>
Treatise of petroleum geology. Handbook of petroleum geology <ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="04d8c9eb-d840-468d-bd4a-42a05aa23a4a"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[* Treatise of petroleum geology reprint series [NO E-VERSIONS YET]
Source of package
American Association of Petroleum Geologists: ; click on "Browse AAPG books" to get list of titles within the series.
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