Kickoff Meeting (meeting minutes here):
Discuss problem statement. Discuss project plan. Agree on meeting dates/times. Agree on deliverables:
- Deliverable 1: Find other testing applications. We plan on testing a minimum of three tools and a maximum of five.
- Deliverable 2: Each member checks their authorizations against SF2.
- Deliverable 3: finalize test plan spreadsheet.
- Deliverable 4: agree on functionality to be tested/evaluated. Put this in a spreadsheet (the evaluation matrix)
Between each meeting members will get a simple status checkin email: something that says have "Have you completed X, yes or no.?"
Meeting 2
Discuss deliverables 1 and 2. Assign teams to begin testing (I plan to mix up the teams between people who are familiar with a particular application and those that are not).
Adjust testing plan (Deliverable 3) and finalize the evaluation matrix (Deliverable 4) as needed.
Meeting 3
Discuss deliverables 3, 4 and 5. Get people back on track as needed. Continue with Deliverables 5 and 6. Adjust testing plan (Deliverable 3) as needed.
Meeting 4
Discuss deliverables 4 and 6 (everyone should be done with 5 and working on 6). Based on success/failure, schedule next meeting to finish up testing, or begin writing report (Deliverable 7).
Meeting 5
Discuss deliverables 6 and 7. If ready, discuss results and write recommendation. If not schedule next meeting.
Meeting 6
Discuss results and finish report.
Meeting 7 (if needed) 8/12/2011
Discuss results and finish report.