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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.

Design Description

When a user logs in, s/he is directed to the Tasks page, where he can view a list of all his outstanding tasks. The tasks list has options to sort by various metrics including date and company name. If he wishes to enter information, he goes to the Groups page. On the groups page, the user sees a list of all his current groups, which s/he can expand or collapse. If s/he expands a group, he can view companies and documents in that group and has the option to add more. Clicking on a company allows the user to see a list of items pertaining to that company, such as Contacts and Tasks. The user can expand or collapse these items and edit them directly on the page.


Task 1: Adding a Company

Ann logs in and clicks on Groups. She has previously created the groups "Grad Schools" and "Cool Companies". She clicks on the arrow to expand the "Cool Companies" group. There are no items in that groups, so Ann clicks on the "+ Item" button to add a new company.

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After Ann clicks on the "+ Item" button, some boxes appear that allow her to enter her item. Ann wants to add a Company to this group, so she selects "Company" from the dropdown menu and enters "Google" into the name box.

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Task 2: Editing a company/Adding Contact, Document, Tasks

After Ann finishes adding the company, she has a box called "Google" in her "Cool Companies" group. Ann would like to add more information about Google, so she clicks on that box.

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Ann wants to add her resume, a contact, and some tasks, so she expands the corresponding sections in the Google company view. Ann will click the "+" button for each section to add her information.

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When Ann clicks the "+" button in each section some boxes appear where she can enter her information. Ann has no previously uploaded resumes, so she uploads a new resume called "Math Resume" into the documents section. She adds Mary S. to the Contacts section using the business card she got from the career fair. Finally, she adds her two tasks for Google: "Write Cover Letter" and "Get Transcript".

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After she's entered in all her information, Ann looks over her "Google" entry to make sure everything looks right.

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Task 3: Viewing Tasks

A few days later on September 30, Ann decides to look at her upcoming tasks. She notes that she needs to have a cover letter done by the next day, should remember to go to the Wolfram info session, and remember to pick up a copy of her transcript.

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