New licenses:
Software updates:
- updated CalculiX to 2.0
- updated Jmol to 11.8.19
- updated drscheme to 424
- updated Cambridge Structural Database to 5.31
- updated Matlab to 7.10/R2010a
- added 64 bit version of Tecplot 360-2009 R2
- added 64 bit version of Stata 11
- added 64 bit version of CHEMKIN 4.1.1
Questions/requests/bug reports:
Keyserving: installer testing... Windows version OK but keyacc32.exe
causing CPU load, problems with Mac version. Wrote up Hermes answers.
- completed Elmer 5.5 update prep. Need to wait for Lucid release
- repackaged Cambridge Structural Database SWRT Linux download
- completed and submitted SIPB award nominations with jdreed
- ongoing efforts to resolve Gaussian license issues - discussed with
ccummins; updated abdenna, qla - ongoing weekly license extensions for OPL Studio, AMPL. Working with
Prof. Modiano to get licensing resolved - reported OpenAFS 2.6.32 kernel problem to debathena, mit-fedora-users
- wrote PR recommendation for knyzio
- sent thoughts on organizational values to Oliver
- conversations with jdreed, debathena about 64 bit Ubuntu sysnames
- forwarded new 64 bit SAS JMP offer to VSLS
- received Splus annual maintenenace quote from vendor
- got Mathematica training links from vendor- added to WRW
OpenAFS stopped working for Athena cell on non-Athena machines- caused
by server switch affecting config file. oremanj helped me resolve issue
3/2/10 VSLS business meeting
3/2/10 ESRI licensing
3/5/10 CRiB
3/9/10 VSLS business meeting
3/10/10 ESRI roles meeting
3/15/10 ESRI licensing meeting
3/16/10 ESRI roles meeting
3/16/10 ESRI license detail meeting
3/19/10 vacation day
3/22/10 ESRI support meeting
3/23/10 VSLS business meeting
3/26/10 release-team
3/29/10 vacation day
3/30/10 ACCORD
Goals for April:
- update SAS and install 64 bit version
- performance review
- update TotalView
- update JDK (security fixes)
- evaluate SAS JMP 64 bit offer with VSLS