Precats Using the precat templateUse the Precat template only if the item has no barcode or wanding the barcode does not bring up a brief record and you have searched WorldCat and found nothing. (See document "Precat via Worldcat search" for details on how to perform a Worldcat search.) and Offsite CatalogingWe had recalled all precat materials, and all precat items returned to cataloging were fully cataloged by June 2008. Since then, the backlogs on the WALL have to date been kept under 1,500 items. All rush cataloging requests have been handled in-house with an average 48-hour turn-around time.Open the PRECT BK.MRC template by doing 'ctrl-a' anywhere in Aleph. Scroll to the bottom of the list to highlight the template name and hit <enter> to open it: |