Current status: Stuff Fest will next occur during May of 2009
Funding Sources: N/A
Data Sources: weight of bags picked up
Documentation: None available
Recommendations for future work: Some dorm managers have noted that an equal amount of stuff gets generated the week after when graduating Seniors move out
Number of students involved:
- Those 4,231 pounds of useful items went to Second Chances, a Cambridge-based community organization that provides clothing and other items to homeless and low income individuals. We were their largest clothing drive in 2008.
- An additional amount of interview and winter clothing went to the MIT Women's League for their annual event in which they provide international students with free interview and winter clothing
Organizational lessons:
- Offering housing extensions to dorm coordinators helps with recruitment and ensuring that the students will be around to help sort during the week after finals
- It is helpful to send someone around to all of the dorms the day before sorting will occur to identify the dorms with the most stuff and the nicest clothing for the Women's League