- Make sure you've installed the Web Standard Tools (WST) and Java Standard Tools (JST) plugins
- TBD doc this
- Make sure you have a jdk 1.5 runtime configured in eclipse
- Window > Preferences > Java > Installed JREs
- Make sure it is a jdk, not a jre or tomcat can't compile jsps
- Make sure it is also selected as a jdk execution environment, Installed JREs > Execution Environment
- Show the Servers view, Window > Show View > Other > Servers
- Check out the preconfigured tomcat from the tools dir in svn
- Go to SVN Repositories > framework-dev > tools
- Right click apache-tomcat-xxx, check out as
- Check it out as a simple "Project"
- Edit the file conf/server.xml (this step is required for eclipse only; the ssl server would already work if you started it from the cmd line):
- In the ssl part, replace the "conf" part of conf/keystore and conf/truststore with the absolute path of your tomcat conf directory
- Once checked out, delete the project but not the contents of it (this is necessary because of some path conflict when starting tomcat)
- Add the Tomcat server:
- Right click in the Servers window and select New > Server
- Apache > Tomcat 5.5, Next
- Tomcat Installation Directory - Browse to where you checked out tomcat from svn
- JRE - select the 1.5 jdk
- Finish
- Right click the Tomcat 5.5 server > Add and Remove Projects
- Select the projects you want to deploy and click Add, then Finish
Before you can actually deploy an app or run it, you will need to start the tomcat server:
- Right click the Tomcat 5.5 server > Start
The url for your tomcat is:
Any app you deploy will be at both of those urls under the context root of the app, e.g.: