Black Powder Piston Capsule Test
Conducted by: Jack A (484-502-8924), Claire J
Location: Blast Chamber
Date: 05/02/23
Time: 1830-2030
Safety Precautions:
All participants must wear safety glasses.
Range safety officer must audibly countdown before the test and ensure that everyone is paying attention.
Test articles should not fragment into sharp, hard pieces during the test sequence. This is ensured by eliminating any unfastened materials within the body sections, and limiting the amount of pyrotechnic charge used.
The SO should inspect all test articles prior to initiating the piston test.
Appropriate PPE will be used when installing the charge prior to the test (i.e. safety goggles and nitrile gloves). There will never be skin contact with the charge
If a misfire occurs: wait at least 60 seconds and disconnect the battery (or use an alternative method to disable the testing mechanism) before allowing anyone to approach the test article.
Strict 25 foot keep-out zone must be established, which all test participants must obey. Members should ensure that no bystanders are present. The SO must ensure that no one is in the expected path of the projectile regardless of distance from the test articles. Mark of the test area (such as with caution tape) or otherwise guard entrances from bystanders.
All debris must be cleared out of the blast chamber when the test is complete.
Call MIT Police 617-253-1212 to report an emergency.
- Email Anthony Zolnik about blast chamber usage and receive approval or confirmation.
NOTE: Because there is no smoke or venting of fumes, members and the SO do not need to contact police before testing; however, it is required we reach out to at least one facilities manager (Anthony).
- Evaluate the performance of two new designs for black powder capsules
- 2 adjustable crescent wrenches
Alligator clips
Vacuum chamber & pump
Safety glasses
Close toed shoes
A very long wire
- Multimeter
9V battery
- Hydrostatic Testing Manifold
- Hydrostatic pump
- Bucket of water
Black powder (.4 g per capsule)
5 minute epoxy
16 e-matches
Fit check
Reserve the blast chamber