Thank you!
We couldn't have a conference without you, so thank you for presenting at the IT Partners Virtual Conference!
Signing in and introductions
- Please log into the Zoom meeting 5 minutes before your speaker presentation start time. (Use the link in your calendar invite)This time will be noted in the calendar invite we send you for your presentation.
- A minute or two before your presentation is slated to startOnce you've signed in, we'll make you a co-host.
- At the ofifcial official start time for your presentation, we'll introduce you and then pass it the mic and the screen over to you until you're done speaking or time runs outQ&A is going to be on Slack. Someone from IT Partners Planning Team will come off mute and moderate, pulling questions out of Slack to ask you.We'll use Zoom chat primarily for chatter..
- Once you're set up as co-host, you will be able to share your slides.
- If you want to do a tech-check in advance, please let us know ( or Slack).
- If you'd like us to share the slides after the conference, please send them to and we'll add them to conference wiki.
- Zoom chat will be open for chatter, but we're asking attendees to use Slack (#2021-conference-q-a) to pose questions to our speakers.
- Slack's threading functionality make it easier to keep conversations together.
- Using Slack also means that discussions can continue, if needed, after your presentation (and the conference) are over.
- During the Q&A portion of your presentation, someone from the IT Partners Planning Team will monitor the Slack channel. We'll come off mute and ask you the questions live in Zoom.
- After your session is over, if you'd like to continue fielding questions in Slack, you're welcome to do so, but you don't have any obligation to.
Questions? Concerns? Technical difficulties? Contact us!
- Someone from the IT Partners Planning Team will be Zoom throughout the entire conference. We'll be listed as panelists/hosts/co-hosts.
- To chat with us live during the conference:
- In Zoom, send a message to "All Panelists."
OR - On Slack, use the #2021-conference-logistics channel.
- In Zoom, send a message to "All Panelists."
- If you have questions or concerns in advance, please reach out to the team on Slack or via email (