(Mostly for Remlee; Don't worry about this list...)'s to dos (finish by 7/3!!!!!):
- Documentation
Nicole's to dos:
- Make sure license is taken care of - Nic
- Clean out test pages & polish pages, clean out pictures - Rem (delete Marion's toy)
- Make sure statuses are correct - Rem
- Sign up for LibGuides alert - Rem
- Ask Task Force about home page - Rem
- Top level page: fix categories - Nic
- Make sure subject categories are consistent with Multisearch categories - Nic
- Make search box a title keyword search. - R
- Alert: Who's responsible for keeping it up to date - R ask team
- Pick up to 10 featured guides for homepage - R (2 or 3) Ask Task Force: should we even have this?
- (update:Ellen told me this is all set and she's signing the license. They still have to send us an invoice.)
- Changes Darcy changes look and feel of boxes, CSS, etc.- Darcy
- Darcy will work on custom fields options (Remlee will follow up with Darcy)
- Check to make sure analytics is working: put in code on June 12 - Nicole
- almost done
- custom footer: include links to Research Guides page on our site - done
- adjust spacing above name of guides - having trouble getting it to work
- Test on different platforms/browsersPlay with different platforms: Safari, IE, Firefox (Ask Rem tested on: FF3, Opera, Safari on PC, and IE, and asked Christine to try on Linux) - Nic & Rem
- Experiment with widgets/API thing - Rem
- /help/subjects page: consider SSI for content - Nicole
- Compare Google Analytic stats to LibGuides stats - Nicole
- Finish tools page - Nicole
- Come up with text for ILB tools page (Ask Task Force for input?) - Rem
- Check to make sure you can't add a guide to someone else's page! - Rem
- Make account for everybody! Use subspec-lib & webcontact-lib list as a start - Rem & Nic
- For documentation: (Rem)
- Thalia: How to link to images
- Put guidelines in staff web and link to that somewhere
- Link to shortcut URLs
- Think about proxy string, link to proxy faqs
- Look at shortcut "db" URLs for databases; Person will have to update Marion job; no e-journals by subject left anymore
- Emphasize that you can do it at the last minute without going through a web contact
- Schedule 4-5 training sessions with all members of task force sharing the load of training, e-mail ps-lib (Rem)
- (Nicole will be gone last 2 weeks in July): 1 week of 7th & 1 week of 14th
- 3 in July, 1 in August
- Make checklist for people to bring to session?
- Make curriculum for training
- Train the trainers!
- Mockups:
- All Vera subjects here: http://libraries.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/multi-test/research-guides.html
- Vera subjects merged with Subject Guides and Pub Type guides: (almost done with this): http://libraries.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/multi-test/research-guides-merged.html