Q: How can I access institute data for use in my department's applications?
A: There are many ways but most useful enterprise data is stored in IS&T Data Warehouse. IS&T can help you choose the right solution based on what you are trying to do. Email map-support@mit.edu
Q: How can I manage my development projects?
A: IS&T supports a central installation of the Request Tracker issue-tracking system at help.mit.edu (note: info on getting a queue here).
A: MIT is using the Jira bug-tracking system internally and we are evaluating it viability for the enterprise or as a standalone installation we can help you build.
Notes/Unfinished: Need to add the whole message on security, which no one knows on their own. Storage solution undefined. Monitoring and instrumentation specifications need to be inserted. The story on load testing, load balancing, high availability, and code analysis are not defined but this FAQ should say so.