Research and Instructional Support Group Meeting
Present: Bartley, Cohn, Green, Horowitz, McCann, McReynolds, Perkins (minutes), Sweeney, Szarko
- Spring seminar (Heather): Harvard's open-access initiative is first-choice topic if a speaker can be found. Another possible speaker: Lana Thelen, Outreach Coordinator, Perkins Braille and Talking Book Library
- Reference Manual updates are completed. Spin-off project: Anita will update the Equipment page 
; and run it by RISG.
- Peter, Remlee, Heather, and Mark volunteered to monitor tutorials for accuracy. This group will finalize responsibilities for who monitors what. (Peter noted that Angie may also wish to be involved.)unmigrated-wiki-markup
- Determine location of scripts. \ [Anita checked with Darcy, post-meeting. Scripts and files needed for editing are in R:\Online Tutorials\working files. Not all of Patty's scripts are in the R drive yet, but they will be.\]
- Ideas for additional tutorials: multisearch; new Vera
- RISG will discuss it again before it is presented to PSLG.
Next meeting: April 16
Minutes: Rostoff