4. For some reason, the compiler script (a file called lzc) is not executable when installed. It needs to be made executable by going into $LPS_HOME/WEB-INF/lps/server/bin and chmod 755 lzc.
5. The call to the compiler comes from create_slideshow.jsp, which is checked in to the webapp dir of the ime. It requires that there be source .lzx files in a directory called downloadable_slideshow in the webapps directory. These files are copied in by the maven script when a full release is done, assuming the following switches are used:
Code Block |
-Dincludeui=true -Duipath=<path-to-ui-source-trunk/branch> |
6. Here is a list of the files that should be in the folder downloadable_slideshow:
Code Block |
downloadable_slideshow.lzx |
classes/icon.lzx |
classes/matrixview/matrixitem.lzx |
classes/matrixview/slide.lzx |
classes/matrixview/slide_dropspot.lzx |
classes/proportionalimage.lzx |
classes/thaliacolorpicker.lzx |
data/context_data.lzx |
includes/slideshow/ss_player.lzx |
includes/slideshow_resources.lzx |
resources/generic_thumbnails/* |
resources/slideshow/slide_drop_spot.jpg |
resources/slideshow/viewer/* |
7. Currently, create_slideshow.jsp writes to System.out, not the thalia.log. So, to check errors, look in tomcat/logs/catalina.out. Errors are likely to be one of the 3 things:
Code Block |
lzc compiler was not executable, in which case you'll see a 'permission denied' |
errorLPS_HOME |
not setSome of the required .lzx source files are missing -- it will say in the error what source file is missing.