This is an unofficial rough draft for a proposed letter from ANS, intended to be included alongside the welcome packet for admitted students.
This is mainly here for its structure. Suggest changes to the wording as you see fit.
Dear [Name],
Congratulations on your admission to MIT! The American Nuclear Society (ANS) student chapter would like to welcome you to the Department of Nuclear Science & Engineering (NSE).
Begin draft
Enclosed in this packet, you'll find an official letter from the Department detailing your offer, an admission reply form, some information about graduate assistantships and fellowships, and an official document describing the requirements for your degree program in detail.
This document can be a bit cryptic. Don't worry; you'll get the gist of it soon. In past years, most people have taken the 6 modules and 3 courses from their field of specialization in their first 3 semesters. If you feel very comfortable with the subject matter of some of the modules (Applied Nuclear Physics; Essential Numerical Methods; Radiation Interactions, Control, and Measurement; Materials in Nuclear Engineering; Nuclear Energy Systems; and Nuclear Technology and Society), you have the option to take the class as a listener or skip it altogether, and just take the final exam at the end of the class. If you are uncomfortable with any of these areas, you should talk with your academic adviser about supplemental coursework.
All the information may seem overwhelming right now, but NSE will try to make it as clear as we can at the upcoming Recruitment Weekend (dates for the weekend)! Come out to the MIT campus to talk to current students, faculty, and staff, and get the tour of the NSE facilities. During the visit, you'll be paired with a student buddy. You should get your buddy's contact information in an email soon. Ask him or her anything the visit, the Department, or MIT in general.
There are a number of deadlines over the next few months. The most important deadlines that you should be aware now are:
- deadline to commit to the recruitment weekend/get flight and hotel reservation
- deadline to accept or decline your offer
- deadline for insurance/medical
- deadline for housing application. You will need to get your MIT certificates and create your MIT email address in order to apply
Once again, we are pleased to congratulate you on your admission to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and hope to see you at the Recruitment Weekend!
[Signature area]
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog