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This api will delete a member from a specified Moira list.

API syntax:

   public boolean deleteMemberFromList(          
 String listName,
 String memberID,
 String memberType,
 String proxyID)
throws moirawsException


         string that contains the Moira list name from which the member specified in the memberID parameter is to be deleted.  This is a required parameter.
        string that contains the member that is to be deleted from the Moira list specified in the listName parameter.  This is a required parameter.
         string that contains the Moira type of the member contained in the memberID parameter.  The supported Moira memberType(s) are: KERBEROS, LIST, STRING, USER.  This is a required parameter.
         string the contains the user upon whose behalf the web service is deleting the memberID from the listName.  This is usually the Kerberos principal of a user who has administrative access to the specified Moira list.  This is an optional parameter.  If this parameter is not used, it must be set either to null or an empty stirng ("").

Return value:

The deleteMemberFromList API returns a boolean true if the specified memberID is successfully deleted from the specified list.  If the member cannot be deleted from the specified list, either a boolean false is returned or and exception will be thrown.