Symposium I
Focus Essay
Elizabeth S. Anderson, "Uses of Value Judgments in Feminist Social Science: A Case Study of Research on Divorce," Hypatia 19:1 (2004): 1-24. This document may not be used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research.
Commentaries by:
Linda Alcoff
Sharyn Clough
Marianne Janack
Charles Mills
Symposium II
Focus Essay
Anita Superson, "Privilege, Immorality, and Responsibility for Attending to the "Facts about Humanity"," Journal of Social Philosophy, v. 35, n. 1 2004, pp. 34-55.
Commentaries by:
Louise Antony
Stephen Darwall
Laurence Thomas
Jennifer Uleman
Anita Superson ReplyTo contribute to discussion of this symposium, please use the "Add Comment" link below.