Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Split cellsAG, CR, LA, SSAW
Seed platesAG, CR, LA, SSAW
TransfectionAG, LAAC, SS
Imaging (FloCyto)BTAG, AW, CR, JX, LA, RR


Practice Transfections:

Toggle Cloak

  1. -ve/-ve: no actions performed on cells
  2. -ve: perform protocol, excluding DNA, or with dummy DNA
  3. +ve: tri-color control (perform experiments with YFP, BFP, mKATE separately, and one with all 3: allows for comparison of color/intensity when imaging)

Toggle Cloak
PRACTICE #1: Fluorescent protein under constitutive promoter

11 complete 6/23: Seed cells 12 complete 6/24: Transfect hEF1a:eYFP into HEK cells 13 complete 6/26 (4.30pm): Flow Cytometer
  • Determine optimal Lipofectamine LTX volume (24 well)
  • Determine transfection efficiency (quantitatively)

Toggle Cloak
PRACTICE #2: Fluorescent protein under inducible promoter

14 incomplete 7/1: Seed cells 15 incomplete 7/2: Transfect TRE:mKate and TRE:eYFP into HEK cells 16 incomplete 7/3: Add DOX 18 incomplete 7/4 (__pm): Flow Cytometer