Web Interface Instructions: see below Require Pre-Proposal / Application Phase?: Select 'Yes' to include the Pre-Proposal /Application phase in the call, and adjust settings for this phase. If set to 'No', PIs starting proposals for the call will begin in the Full Proposal phase. Pre-Proposal/App Interface Title: The title of the interface displayed when PIs are developing submission in this phase of the call (e.g. "Preliminary Proposal Online Submission", "2014 Knauss Fellowship"). Pre-Proposal/App Deadline: The displayed deadline for this phase of the call, and the date and time that the submission interface for this phase of the call will automatically close to PIs (if auto-close is enabled). Enter date and time in this format: [MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM] (e.g. 5/16/2012 5:00 PM). Pre-Prop/App Auto-Close at Deadline?: Set to 'No' if you DO NOT wish for the Pre-Proposal/Application submission interface to automatically close proposal access for this call at the corresponding deadline. Set to 'Yes' by default. Pre-Prop Investigator Detailed Records Limit: Upper-limit of the number of full investigator records to accept, per proposal, at pre-proposal stage (e.g. 2). Enter '0' for no limit. Options - OM type Require Pre-Proposal Budget Worksheet(s)?: Select 'Yes' to include budget worksheet submission in the Pre-Proposal phase of the call. If not included, first and second-year Sea Grant and matching totals will be required instead. If using eSG budget worksheets, make sure to configure all relevant Funding Years (see below). Require Pre-Proposal Matching Funds?: Select 'Yes' to require a minimum amount of matching funds in eSG budget worksheets in the Pre-Proposal phase of the call. When toggled, the PI is alerted if a minimum is not provided, but proposal submission is still allowed. Pre-Proposal Matching Funds Rate: The minimum matching funds percentage (as decimal), if required for the Pre-Proposal phase of the call. Require Pre-Proposal Budget Justification?: Select 'Yes' if eSG budget worksheets required for the Pre-Proposal phase of the call also require line-item justification. Require Pre-Proposal Budget Upload?: Secondary option for when budget worksheets are not required; select 'Yes' to require upload of a single PDF containing all FY budgets. Accept Reviewer Suggestions at Pre-Proposal?: Select 'Yes' to include Peer Reviewer suggestions as part of the Pre-Proposal phase of the call. Pre-Proposal Review Deadline: The date and time at which reviewers are expected to have submitted their reviews of proposals submitted via the Pre-Proposal phase of the call. This value is for reference only, and does not control interface access. Pre-Proposal Review Configuration: Either Simple or Complex. Simple : Reviewers apply a single rating and comment to assigned proposals. Complex : Reviewers apply scores for up to five evaluation criteria and a comment to assigned proposals. If 'Complex' pre-proposal review is chosen, you must create an Evaluation Criteria Set for it in FMP (Reviews > Evaluation Criteria Sets). Options - FE type Require FE Uploads?: Select 'Yes' to include any of the following, which are common uploads for many fellowships and awards offered by Sea Grant programs: Goal Statement: Select 'Yes' to require Goal Statement upload CV: Select 'Yes' to require upload of applicant CV / resume' Classes/Plans Statement: Select 'Yes' to require upload of Classes/Plans Statement Require Mail?: Select 'Yes' to include any of the following, which are common mailed items for many fellowships and awards offered by Sea Grant programs: Letters of Recommendation: Select 'Yes' to require submission of contact information for individuals providing letters of recommendation via mail, up to the number specified in the accompanying '# Required' box. Transcripts: Select 'Yes' to require submission of a list of institutions submitting transcripts via mail. Additional Upload Customization The Pre-Proposal / Application phase also includes two sets of customizable uploads: Misc. Supporting Documents and Misc. Required Uploads. Misc. Supporting Documents: Set to 'Yes' to accept any number of additional miscellaneous documents, up to the number specific in the accompanying 'Limit' box. You may also restrict this set of uploads to only accept PDFs using the 'PDF Only?' toggle. Inclusion of these documents is NOT required by the PI or applicant for a complete submission - they are optional. Misc. Required Uploads: Click the green [+] button to specify additional REQUIRED uploads. For each upload, provide a unique, descriptive label to appear in the submission form, and indicate if this upload should be restricted to PDFs only. Labels must be unique within the combined Pre-Proposal / Full Proposal "Misc Uploads" domain for the call. The system checks this when labels are added, and temporarily renames duplicate labels. |