Group A: Membrane Localization
Group B: Receptor Affinity for Beta-amyloid
Group C: Cofilin Recruitment
- Find data on receptor-cofilin dynamics (esp. how long cofilin stays recruited at the membrane)
- pEXPR hEF1a:cofilin-(Y)FP
- look at structure of cofilin to determine which (N or C) terminus to put the fluorescent protein
- order cofilin gBlock
- look into different types of cofilin
- look for higher intensity at around membrane
- pEXPR hef1a:(G)FP
Group D: Cofilin + TEV Protease Recruitment
Group E: (Whole System) Cofilin + TEV Protease Recruitment to Receptor + Cleavage Site + Transcription
- pEXPR hEF1a:Lilrb2-TCS-Gal4VP16
- pEXPR TRE:cofilin-TEV
- pEXPR hEF1a:rtTA3
- pEXPR hEF1a:eBFP transfection marker
- pEXPR TRE:mKate indicator of effect of dox on transcription