How To Please Ron/Brain
- Create a clear workflow
- Update "status" of plasmids on parts list
- How do we string multiple low sensors together?
miRNA Sensors (Theory)
- Determine which pairs of target sites we want
- Find sequences (hopefully under 200 bp)
- Send ultramer order to Brian
miRNA Sensors (Lab Work)
- Tranform LRs
- MAV1212-Hef1a-mKate2
- MAV1212-Hef1a-L7ae
- Hef1a on Kan
- Pick colonies from transformations
- MAV1212-Hef1a-eBFP2
- Golden Gate
- Gather miRNA target sites from Jeremy
- Make all 6 single low sensors
MAV1212 didn't grow (ccdB resistance is over expressed)
Hef1a was plated on Amp plates...but it has Kan resistance
Verify MAV1212-Hef1a-eBFP2 via sequencing AmpR/eBFP2 region