Add / Edit Reviewers - At a minimum, the following fields must be populated when adding a reviewer: last name, first name, email, and password (in use 'Contact Info+' button to generate).
- Add the role of 'Pre-Proposal Reviewer' via the Roles list at top-right.
Roles are used for eSG system and organizational purposes. The following roles are used by eSG to permit access to web interfaces and should not be altered: Pre-Proposal Reviewer Peer Reviewer Panel Reviewer Admin Sub-Admin Other roles may be added and applied to reviewers, depending upon your program. For example, if you have two groups of peer reviewers, you'd assign everyone in the group to the 'Peer Reviewer' role, and then assign each group to its own organizational role. Assign Reviewers to Pre-Proposals - Select the Assignments tab. You may assign pre-proposals to a reviewer by call or proposal. To assign a reviewer to an entire call of pre-proposals accepted for review, use the select drop-down at right. To assign a reviewer to a specific proposal (among active calls and proposals accepted for review), click the green [+] button beneath 'Assigned Pre-Proposals for Review', and select the proposal via the drop-down that appears.
Email Reviewers - Use the appropriate email template customized for your program, which includes reviewer-specific login privileges and pre-proposal review instructions. [ see General FMP Information - Email Tool ]