Phagocytic Clearance in Neurodegeneration (Phagocytic clearance in Neurodegeneration (and AD).pdf)
Variant of TREM2 Associated with the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease (TREM2 variant and WBC as AD risk factor.pdf)
N-APP binds DR6 to cause axon pruning and neuron death via distinct caspases (DR6 death receptor and N-APP (beta-amyloid cousin) binding.pdf)
Further reading of "Phagocytic Clearance in Neurodegeneration" revealed that AB (which form?) causes an inflammatory response in microglia that is responsible for neurodegeneration, while upregulating anti-inflammatory cytokines could help increase phagocytic activity and reduce neurodegeneration. Could that be an added/alternate approach? How would we test if it is working?
Looking into:
Microglia Lacking E Prostanoid Receptor Subtype 2 Have Enhanced Aβ Phagocytosis yet Lack Aβ-Activated Neurotoxicity Microglia Lacking E Prostanoid Receptor Subtype 2 have enhanced AB phagocytosis.pdf
Also need to look into:
Do macrophages actually "evolve" into microglia once in the brain or are they different?