Proteins needed - CD79A
- normal
- fusion: CD79A C terminus + tev cut site + FP(mKATE)
- CD79B
- normal
- fusion: CD79B C terminus + tev cut site + FP(eBFP)
- Lyn
- normal
- fusion: FP tagged (N or C terminus?)
- point mutation: mutated to always phosphorylate
- Syk
- fusion, point mutation: FP attached(N or C terminus?), prevent phosphorylation (FP eYFP tagged SYK shouldn't be in same cell as FP anything else, ought be no cross talk)
- fusion, point mutatino: tev protease attached (N or C terminus?), point mutated to prevent phosphorylation
- ig k
- with proper localization tag
- igM heavy
- with proper constant region for membrane localization and proper localization tag
- dito + tev +eYFP
we have eBFP(2?), eYFP, mKATE
Supplies needed - Antibody that targets membrane bound igM that is dyed so we can see it (we can buy this, probably target heavy chain, may also want light chain as well to make sure both localize)
- Beta amyloid (? some kind that binds to cells and some kind we can wash antibodies over?)
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