- Morning
- Straighten out funding situation
- Review wiki structure
- (Re-)organize experimental subgroups
- Begin documenting experimental plans
- Purpose
- Materials / DNA needed
- Protocol (links are fine for now)
- Expected results
- Afternoon
- Professional Development (PD): Brief GTD (Getting Things Done) methodology overview
- I propose we implement the scheduling/prioritization part of GTD, because we had trouble with that last year.
- DNA needed --> assembly strategy
- hopefully all the way to the primers we're gonna need, so BT can order them. (-:
- Professional Development (PD): Brief GTD (Getting Things Done) methodology overview
- Morning
- Review experimental plans with Ron.
- (Likely) continue DNA design.
- Research some of the questions that we come up with on Monday and with Ron on Tues (from literature)
- Afternoon
- If it's a nice day: portraits!
- Professional Development (PD): Brian gives journal club. Less about the science, more about the process of reading and presenting a paper
- (Re)organize the NONexperimental groups, come up with game-plans, set goals.
- Morning
- Review experimental plans (once more with feeling (by which I mean more detail)) with Ron, answering the questions we came up with answers to
- Primers ordered Monday show up. Into the lab! PCR and GGs, likely, to make your first pENTRs.
- Afternoon
- If Tues wasn't a nice day: portraits!
- PD: Not sure yet.
- More lab work.
- Morning
- Now we're into the usual swing of things. Morning meeting w/ Ron, plans laid and debated, etc.
- Lab work
- Afternoon
- PD: Weekly review. (Another bit of GTD.)
- Lab work.