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h3. Part A
If the person is at rest at the midpoint, what is the ratio of the tension in the rope to the person's weight?
h4. Solution
{Solution:=} * System: Interactions: Cloak |
| External influences from the earth (gravity) and the rope (tension). | Model: Approach: Diagrammatic Representation We begin with a picture of the situation: Image Added Note |
Note that at the midpoint, the rope will be symmetric. Thus, the angles on each side will be the same. |
We next construct a free body diagram for the person: Image Added Note |
Note that tension appears twice. Again, the symmetry dictates that the tension on each side be the same. | Mathematical Representation The person is at rest, so their acceleration is zero in both the x and y directions. The x-direction equation is clearly satisfied since we have assumed that the tension and rope angles on each side of the person are the same. Newton's 2nd Law for the y direction gives: Latex |
* {cloak:id=sysa}Person as [point particle].{cloak}
{toggle-cloak:id=inta} *Interactions:* {cloak:id=inta}External influences from the earth (gravity) and the rope (tension).{cloak}
{toggle-cloak:id=moda} *Model:* {cloak:id=moda}[Point Particle Dynamics].{cloak}
{toggle-cloak:id=appa} *Approach:*
{toggle-cloak:id=diaga} {color:red} *Diagrammatic Representation* {color}
We begin with a picture of the situation:
{note}Note that at the midpoint, the rope will be symmetric. Thus, the angles on each side will be the same.{note}
We next construct a free body diagram for the person:
{note}Note that tension appears twice. Again, the symmetry dictates that the tension on each side be the same.{note}
{toggle-cloak:id=matha} {color:red} *Mathematical Representation* {color}
The person is at rest, so their acceleration is zero in both the _x_ and _y_ directions. The _x_-direction equation is clearly satisfied since we have assumed that the tension and rope angles on each side of the person are the same. [Newton's 2nd Law|Newton's Second Law] for the _y_ direction gives:
{latex}\begin{large}\[ 2T\sin\theta - mg = 0 \]\end{large}{latex}
which is solved to give:
{ Latex |
}\begin{large}\[ \frac{T}{mg} = \frac{1}{2\sin\theta} \] \end{large}{latex}
| The angle θ θ is determined by the length of the bridge and the amount of sag in the rope:
{ Latex |
}\begin{large}\[ \theta = \tan^{-1}\left(\frac{h}{L/2}\right) \] \end{large}{latex}
| Thus:
{ Latex |
}\begin{large}\[ \sin\theta = \frac{h}{\sqrt{h^{2}+(L/2)^{2}}}\]\end{large}{latex}
| and:
{ Latex |
}\begin{large}\[ \frac{T}{mg} = \frac{\sqrt{h^{2}+(L/2)^{2}}}{2h}= 2.55 \]\end{large}{latex}
{note}For a 180 lb person, this would correspond to a tension of about 460 lbs. Note that to achieve less sag, more tension must be provided.{note}
| Note |
For a 180 lb person, this would correspond to a tension of about 460 lbs. Note that to achieve less sag, more tension must be provided. |