- Submit the roster on the week of the tournament here (click on the date of the tournament; click on "Modify" to submit the roster; if needed, update the captain's info at the bottom of the form)
- Arrange car-pooling (note: directions to the tournament can be found here)
- Print out directions. or get a GPS. or get a smart phone.
- Set pick up times for the day of.
- Decide how many jerseys you need and what sizes you should get.
- IMPORTANT: Fill out the club sports travel itinerary: http://mitclubsports.weebly.com/travel.html. Submit to csc-travelroster@mit.edu.
Tournament Captain Responsibilities - TWO DAYS BEFORE the Tournament:
- Go in the team locker and get the following items:
- 3-4 balls and a bag to bring them to your tournament
- The uniforms for your team. The gym does not open until 9am on Sundays so get them before that morning!!!
- Email your teammates incessantly about pick-up times, money, etc.
- Collect $5 from MIT students and $10 from all others; collect dues if a player hasn't paid yet (either $20 or $25 depending on if the player signed up online or not)- give $ to Vicky Gong (vickyg@mit.edu) (remind players ahead of time to bring $, since u-grads often seem to come with none!)
- DON'T FORGET OR THE CLUB GETS FINED!!: Fill out the club sports travel itinerary: http://mitclubsports.weebly.com/travel.html. Submit to csc-travelroster@mit.edu.
Tournament Captain Responsibilities - DAY OF the Tournament: