Modifications and Bodges: Column |
| Power Board: - Vbat control (unlabeled between 12v and 6v) must be wired to pin 1 of its optorelay (immediately below the left main power connector)
- Radio power control must be manually wired to a 2-pin KK connector (along with 5V) in the proto area
- Optorelay for 6v control must be double up, and its associated resistor (vertical and to the left) halved to ~300 ohms
Arduino Shield: - Radio power control and VBat control must be manually wired (see tables above)
- 12v control line transistor can be bypassed
- motor driver is wired to serial uart 2
- gumstix is wired to serial uart 1
- tmp102 temp sensor resides on i2c bus
- sbus wired to uart3
- wiznet wired to default uart (shared with usb)
Column |
Arduino Serial Details: ![](/confluence/download/attachments/97717570/Arduino-Serial%20%281%29.png?version=1&modificationDate=1396477936000&api=v2) |