Meeting SummariesMARCH 2ND, 2014 Learned about using Hill functions to fit data Worked differential equations to determine protein concentrations Began trying to applying these techniques to the Shift Register system MARCH 5TH, 2014 More in depth analysis of differential equations Introduction to MATLAB MARCH 7TH, 2014 BioCompiler Learned how to use the BioCompiler program Human Practices Our first serious discussion about Human Practices Discussed possible big projects Ex. Museum Exhibits, Interviewing patients/families/doctors/researchers MARCH 9TH, 2014 Modeling Successful model of a basic chemical reaction in MATLAB We used the BioSystem code created by the Weiss' lab Human Practices Discussed the flow of a possible introductory video for the iGem presentation Compiled a list of questions for our meeting with Dr. Damien Rei in McGovern MARCH 11TH, 2014 Damien Rei Discussed potential problems with our Alzheimer's circuit He provided insight on better techniques Also offered his services for later in our project Human Practices Solidified a flow for our human practices video Working on finding a video camera, sponsors, AD foundations MARCH 18TH, 2014 Putting the finishing touches on our MATLAB model Learned how to use Geneious Discussed finding .fasta files for the proteins in the Alzheimer's circuit MARCH 19TH, 2014 Making sure we understand the assumptions we made in the model Getting ready to present on Thursday APRIL 1ST, 2014 Learned how 3D printing can apply to SynBio Discussed different types of microscopes Learned how to use Geneious to do Golden Gate