cloak.toggle.type = custom
cloak.toggle.open = ^viewvideo.png
cloak.toggle.close = ^hidevideo.png
deck.tab.active.background = #f3e46d;
deck.tab.active.border = 1px #000000 solid;
deck.tab.inactive.background = #e5c347;
deck.tab.inactive.border = 1px #000000 solid;
deck.card.background = #f3e46d;
deck.card.border = 1px #000000 solid;
deck.tab.spacer = 0px;
h2. Stellar Training Videos
_Note: Clicking on the View Video icon will allow you to view the video. The video player allows you to control the video (stop, start, pause etc.). Clicking the Hide Video icon hides the video player._
h3. Requesting a Stellar site {bgcolor}
| {toggle-cloak:id=1} | *Learn how to request a Stellar site* \\
*with the option of:* \\
* Adding Gradebook Module
* Adding a wiki
* Publishing course materials to OCW |
! |