h2. {color:#800000}{*}Help Contents{*}{color}
h3. {color:#800000}{*}Search Wiki Help{*}{color}
h1. Page Level Permissions
Page level permissions allow you to restrict who can view or edit specific pages. When a page has restrictions, this icon !lock.jpg! next to it. Click on this icon will bring you to the '*Info Page'*, which will contain the details of restrictions.
* You can also get to the *'Info Page'* by clicking on !tools_menu.jpg! and selecting *'Info'*.
{note}In order to add or remove page restrictions a user must have:
* 'Page Restriction' permission in the space where the page belongs (See [Editing Space Permissions|Permissions]).
* Permission to edit the page.
h4. Applying Page Restrictions
1. Click the 'Edit' link at the top of the page.
2. At the bottom of the page there is a 'Restrictions' link below the 'Location' link.
3. Click 'Edit' next to restrictions.
4. Choose which type of restriction you wish to apply: !view_restrict.jpg! or !edit_restrict.jpg!
5. Select which users and/or groups you wish to apply restrictions to.
h4. Important Information about Page Restrictions
* If a page has *'View Restrictions'*, it's child pages will receive the same restriction and so will their children and so on.
* *'Edit Restrictions' *are *NOT* inherited by parent pages.
* A child page can have additional restrictions along with the ones inherited by the parent page.
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