Model name Policy Analysis of the Greenhouse Effect (PAGE)
Brief description
PAGE projects future increases in global mean temperature (GMT), the economic costs of damages caused by climate change, the economic costs of mitigation policies, and the overall impact of adaptation measures (including costs of adaptation measures and reduction in damage costs that results from adaptation).
Model developer(s) Chris Hope (with John Anderson, Paul Wenman, and Erica Plambeck)
Institutional affiliation of developer(s) Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Date created 1991
Date of most recent revision 2002 (updated version known as PAGE2002)
Model accessibility
Model is run in developer's lab to test various policy scenarios, with results published extensively (see list of publications below).
Chris Hope. 2006. The Marginal Impact of CO2 from PAGE 2002. Integrated Assessment Journal 6 (1): 9-56.
Key publications
Simon Dietz, Chris Hope, Nicola Patmore. 2007. Some economics of 'dangerous' climate change: Reflections on the Stern Review. Global Environmental Change 17 (3-4): 311-325.
Nicholas Stern. 2006. The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review, chapter 6, Economic modelling of climate-change impacts. London: HM Treasury.
Erica Plambeck and Chris Hope. 1996. PAGE95: An updated valuation of the impacts of global warming. Energy Policy 24 (9): 783-793.
Chris Hope, John Anderson and Paul Wenman. 1993. Policy analysis of the greenhouse effect: An application of the PAGE model. Energy Policy 21 (3): 327-338.