Shows the impact of changes in atmospheric concentrations of key greenhouse gases on the earth's global mean temperature (GMT).
Input variables
- Atmospheric concentrations of CO2 (from Carbon cycle module)
- Atmospheric concentrations of NH4 (from Other greenhouse gases module)
- Atmospheric concentrations of NO2 (from Other greenhouse gases module)
Key assumptions
The climate module is based on Fiddaman's FREE model. FREE took its climate assumptions without modification from the Dynamic Integrated model of Climate and the Economy (DICE), which is described in detail by Nordhaus (1994). DICE's climate module, in turn, was adapted from a prior model developed by Schneider and Thompson (1981).
The assumptions of the climate module are described in greater detail in C-ROADS Simulator Reference Guide pp. 61-68.
Output variables
- Increase in global meant temperature (GMT) above baseline year (feeds into Sea level rise module)