change the default tomcat config to avoid conflict with tomcat in netbean
in <tomcat_home>/conf/server.xml file
change the http 1.1 connector from 8080 to 8180
change the shutdown port from 8005 to 8105
change the ajp 1.3 connector port from 8009 to 8109
change the \ [alfresco home\]\bin\alfresco web client to point to 8180 instead of 8080 Wiki Markup
start alfrescounmigrated-wiki-markup
When Alfresco is installed, it creates an administration user called 'admin' with a default password of 'admin'
Using the CIFS (Shared Folder) Server
map a drive to \\[machine_name\]_A\alfresco, when prompted for user name and password, use admin, admin
web client: