c/o Prof. Utterback
Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth
Faculty Search in Operations Management
The Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, Dartmouth College's graduate school of management, is conducting a faculty search in the operations management area at all levels, with a preference for recent graduates. Applicants must have a Ph.D. or be near completion of a doctoral degree.
We are interested in candidates who will produce research of excellent quality that will have high impact on the field. The candidate should be able to teach operations management and/or spreadsheet modeling in Tuck's "core" curriculum, as well as more specialized electives. There must be evidence that the candidate can conduct research and teach at a level of quality consistent with Tuck's high standards. We are interested in candidates who can interact effectively with others and enhance the intellectual environment of the school.
The Tuck School fosters a highly collegial culture that is intellectually stimulating and interdisciplinary. We provide ample financial and logistical support, including state-of-the-art computer technology enhanced with in-house programming support. Library and secretarial support is generous, and funding is provided for research assistance and for travel related to either research or teaching.
Founded in 1900, the Tuck School is the first graduate school of management. The only degree it offers is the MBA. Its two-year program has a total of approximately 550 students, most with employment experience. Tuck also offers various management development programs for top level managers with high potential. The Tuck faculty numbers 50 full-time positions as well as visiting lecturers, post-docs, and adjunct faculty in specialized fields.
Applicants should submit a vita, three letters of reference, publications, and working papers by December 1, 2012. Candidates attending the INFORMS Conference in Phoenix on October 14-17, 2012 are encouraged to submit their application by October 3, 2012.
Applications and all supporting documents must be submitted by e-mail to:
Please note in the subject line of the e-mail that you are applying for the operations management position.
Dartmouth College is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
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