{anchor:Eclipse Indigo - OC4J JVM memory configuration}
h3. Eclipse Indigo - OC4J JVM memory configuration
# Run Eclipse.
a. From the *Eclipse Task Bar* select *Run > Run Configurations...*
b. From the Left pane, find and right click on *Generic Server* and select *New*.
The *Create, manage, and run configurations* panel should be as below.
In the *Name:* input field, enter *oc4j standalone server*.
From the *Server:* dropdown list, select *Oracle OC4J Standalone Server 10.1.3.n at localhost*.
# Click on the *\(x\)=Arguments* tab and in the *VM arguments:* dialog box, enter the following arguments:
In the *Working directory:* select *Other:* and enter the path to your OC4J server j2ee/home directory.
The panel should now look like:
When you are satisfied that everything is correct, click *Apply*, then click *Close*.
h4. {color:green}Eclipse Indigo - JVM memory configuration is now complete.{color}