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{color:red}All instructions are for *Java SE 6 - Java SE Development Kit 6u27*. Please check with your team leader and verify which version of Java SE you should download and install.
If you encounter any broken links, go to the [Oracle web site |] and do a seach for *Oracle Java Archive*.{color}
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From the list of Product / File Description, select the desired JDK installer and download it to your workstation. NOTE: Before the download begins, Oracle will require you to either log in using an existing Oracle account or you will have to create a new Oracle account.
Execute the JDK installer and follow the installation instructions. NOTE: Don't forget to create a system environmental variable JAVA_HOME which contains a pointer to your JDK install (e.g. JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_27).
Java JDK download and installation is now complete.