Robert Smyser’s email to Barbara Goguen, Patricia Shepaprd and CSS Managers (dated 1/19/2010)
RE: CSS Q2 Report Draft
Looking more deeply into the ACD data, it was found that the non-working weekdays --- Columbus day, Veterans day, thanksgiving, 4 days around xmas and New Years, etc. – were still in the worksheet, registering as days of zero calls offered, zero agents on the phone, etc., These zeros dragged the averages down, especially so in December.
Removing the zero days from the data drove Calls Offered back up to 84, and Agent Availability back up to 37 (the same as a year ago). Some of the other ACD numbers like wait time, had also been reduced by the zeros and so they went up a bit.
As a result, in the report, the affected numbers will be a little different than in the first draft, and the text will change a little too.
I’ve added this little gotcha to the checklist of such things for the future.