Chomsky gift materialAfter completing the cataloging of a substantial amount of Chomsky material in the summer of 2004 as a project, CAMS still receives gift material from Noam Chomsky in smaller portions. Some of the titles carry inscriptions by the persons who gave Chomsky the material in the first place and/or annotations by Chomsky himself. As in any gift, the selector makes acceptance/rejection decisions, but in the case of Chomsky material, also looks for the presence of any inscriptions and/or annotations. The selector will alert the cataloger to these by notating the gift flag appropriately; in addition, the selector places a bright green flag with the material. A special Noam Chomsky bookplate is attached to the gift flag and the item is barcoded. Gordon Thomas receives all Chomsky material, in boxes, directly from Gifts staff. Cataloging Chomsky material involves creating 599 notes when inscriptions and/or annotations are present. (See an example Aleph record, ***) Any title with unacceptable copy or no copy at all is put on the Donohue’s shelves. Special music formats or scores are routed to Onsite Music Catalogers. |