Up to 200 events from the following St_W daq files
were processed using chain:
bfc.C(200,"DbV20090817 pp2009a ITTF BEmcChkStat QAalltrigs btofDat Corr3 OSpaceZ2 OGridLeak3D beamLine -VFMinuit VFPPVnoCTB -dstout","st_W_10087028_raw_4180001.daq")
QA sample for pp 500GeV W-production is completed. (8-17-2009)
Data have been processed according to request, step a)
posted in the email:
You can find root files on disk /star/data36 on the next pathes:
log files in /star/rcf/prodlog/P09ib/log/daq
TPC tracking accuracy (by Gene):
I sampled processed data from runs 10078077-10089004 and found that the TPC shows much work to be done, but it appears accurate to say things are controlled to the 1-2mm level.
Section |
Column |
| GridLeak measure of gap in residuals between padrows 12 and 14 vs. z shows about a ~1mm variation over all z: ![](/confluence/download/attachments/48563908/pp500-prodQA-gapf.png?version=1&modificationDate=1250616138000&api=v2) |
Column |
| Signed DCA of straight up (|eta|<0.05) tracks vs. z shows about ~2mm distortions a Z beyond +/-50cm. ![](/confluence/download/attachments/48563908/pp500-prodQA-sDCA.png?version=1&modificationDate=1250627346000&api=v2) |
Section |
Column |
| Signed DCA of all "good" tracks has a mean of ~1mm, sigma of ~3mm: ![](/confluence/download/attachments/48563908/pp500-prodQA-sDCA-1D.png?version=1&modificationDate=1250616138000&api=v2) |
Column |
| signed DCA distribution for straight-up tracks (|eta| < 0.05) for vertex z constrained to +/-25cm. ![](/confluence/download/attachments/48563908/pp500-prodQA-sDca-1dB.png?version=1&modificationDate=1250787469000&api=v2) Error on the mean = 0.01368, N = 2591, RMS = 0.01368*sqrt(2591.) = 0.696 in agreement with the histogram |
BTOW QA, all runs (by Justin)
X-axis=40 eta bins, Y-axis=120 phi-bins, filled if ADC-ped>10
name | pp500-prodQA-BTOW_EtaPhi.pdf |
ETOW QA, all runs (by Justin)
X-axis=12 eta bins, Y-axis=60 phi-bins, filled if ADC-ped>10
name | pp500-prodQA-ETOW_EtaPhi.pdf |
BSMD-Eta QA, all runs (by Justin)
X-axis=120 modules; Y-axis=150 strips in module , rebin(5), filled if ZS ADC>50
name | pp500-prodQA-BSMDE_EtaPhi.pdf |
BSMD-Phi QA, all runs (by Justin)
X-axis=120 modules; Y-axis=150 strips in module , rebin(5), filled if ZS ADC>50
name | pp500-prodQA-BSMDP_EtaPhi.pdf |
BFC log files QA, all runs (by Jan)
Columns: #, FIll, runNo, totEve, BFC eff, vertex/eve, globTr/eve, logSize/eve.
25 out of 635 jobs were terminated, some due to TPC trips encoded in DB.
Run # for such jobs has attached 'x'.
name | pp500-prodQA-BfcLog.pdf |
Testing trigger IDs (Jan)
One expects every L2W event will satisfy at least 2 triggers:
BTH3=230531 and L2W=23061.
Spot check of 3 events from run
- st_W_10088011_raw_2180001.MuDst results:
- nTrig=5, trigID: 230601, 230531, 60, 230610, 230420,
- nTrig=5, trigID: 230601, 230531, 60, 230610, 230420,
- nTrig=5, trigID: 230601, 230531, 230610, 230411, 230420,
- st_W_10103041_raw_7170001.MuDst results:
- nTrig=3, trigID: 230610, 230411, 230420,
- nTrig=6, trigID: 230601, 230531, 60, 230610, 230411, 230420,
- nTrig=6, trigID: 230601, 230531, 60, 230610, 230411, 230420,
QA of bXIng (Justin)
2 plots per fill:
1D : 48-bit bXing, X-axis range 0,127, 128 bins
1D: 7-bit bXing, X-axis range 0,127, 128 bins
name | pp500-prodQA-BX-QA.pdf |