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Attending: Remlee, Heather, Lisa

Action items: 

  1. Lisa will plan a meeting with Altarama so that we can learn about the DeskStats product.
  2. Group will pursue some other products-- Zoho Creator, Excel & macros, READ scale (To be assigned)
  3. Someone will correlate door counts and reference statistics to see if they really do correlate. If so, consider using that instead of daily stats. (To be assigned.)
  4. Lisa will plan a 3rd meeting to plan the RISG show & tell.
  5. In Dec., we'll do a show n' tell for RISG.

Issues that all have to be teased out:

  1. What do we want to know? Which leads to, what to we need to collect? (We did this earlier in the process, but we should articulate.)
  2. Do we do sampling? If so, how? See RG articles.
  3. What tool could we use?  Most action items above relate to this.
  4. What model of evaluation should we use? For example, READ scale?

Assignments: Please add your name to the two assignments that you will be doing.

  • Investigate Zoho Creator (see Reference Statistics Review for link) (Bill)
  • Investigate Excel and macros (see Reference Statistics Review for link) (Remlee)
  • Correlate door counts and ref stats (LRH)
  • Find out what stats are required for ARL and for the MIT Libraries (ask Steve) (Remlee)
  • Summarize READ Scale for our consideration (see Reference Statistics Review for further info) (Bill)
  • On RUSA Guide to Measurement and Assessment (see Reference Statistics Review for link), each of us will look at a section's bibliography. Goal is to identify anything that might specifically be of interest for this group's task.
    • Reference transactions: volume, cost, benefits and quality (LRH)
    • Cost/Benefits Analysis (Remlee)
    • Quality Analysis: Patron needs and satisfaction (Heather)
    • Use, usability and collection assessment (Heather - this actually is all collections-related, so doesn't apply to our desire to assess usability of reference statistics.)

Suggestion: Here is another place where you might find articles about assessment. Take a look under Reference Research Review. (RUSA RSS Research and Statistics)