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RISG Minutes Draft Minutes Oct. 17, 2007

Attending:Maggie Bartley, Peter Cohn (Minutes), Remlee Green, Heather McCann, Georgiana McReynolds, Anita Perkins, Alan Rostoff, Lisa Sweeney, Mark Szarko

The Instruction stats tool will be ready later today.  (note: this is not ready yet. Peter is checking with Sands.
Peter is meeting with Peter Munstedt to talk about how CFG and RISG can collaborate on increasing faculty awareness of the availability of library instruction.  
Instruction Plan Update:
The latest draft of the System-wide Instruction Plan was brought to last week's PSLG meeting. The group approved moving forward with the plan and a new version of the plan with some slight revisions will be circulated once completed.

Priorities for the Year:
We continued to discuss priorities for the coming year and assigned responsibility for various items. Here they are arranged by semester:

Fall 2007

-Creating a survey to be given at all library instruction sessions. This will be a core list of questions designed to assess attendee perception of relevance of the session. This needs to be ready in time for IAP 2008.  (Mark, Lisa Sweeney, and Heather)
-Project plan for the System-wide instruction plan  (implementing and assessing the progress of the plan. We need a draft project plan by the end of the semester. (Maggie Angie, Mark and Peter)
-Wiki training for RISG.  Remlee will present us with more helpful wiki hints (adding attachments etc.) in the November meeting. (Remlee)
Tying in with this, Remlee will be our troubleshooter/point of initial contact for wiki issues or problems. Lisa Sweeney will be her backup.
-Working with CFG on instruction awareness. (no timeline yet, we'll discuss further)
-Spring seminar planning \
-Come up with our checklist of things of recurring action items in our purview. We'll do this in our November meeting \
-Further discussion of bibliographic tools endnote refworks etc.) and the role of RISG in this area.
-Reference Manual Updating (content not format .) (Georgiana, Remlee, Anita )
-Small scale updates to Barton Basics. We had some discussion about whether this was still needed. We concluded that we still need this since it is accessible to sight and hearing impaired. A more major reworking will be needed with the implementation of  metasearch and the new Vera. *(Peter, Remlee, Angie)
*Peter will email BAG and ask if we can be notified when changes are occurring that could affect this tutorial.

Spring 2008
-Pilot assessment of student learning. Need to have something in place by the beginning of the next academic year. (Lisa Horowitz will lead with others tbd.)
-Think about how we could facilitate sharing what is learned at conferences and other events with colleagues. Is this feasible or even desirable to do?
-Think more broadly about Barton Basics changes and enhancements in light of the new world of searching. (Metasearch etc.)
-Think more broadly about reference in general.  (note: also about where we are in ref vision??)
-Video tutorials assessment --we'll have the analysis back from Patty at some point in the spring.
-Instruction Toolkit --think about when and who? The project plan will address this so we'll need to think about what is realistic.

Other items that came up in the meeting:

Georgiana will continue to "own" the Virtual Reference Collection.

Anita mentioned that ISG is working on a project focusing on  publicity tools that will be useful for service point staff. They'll focus on promoting basic services like self service renewals, the availability of group study space etc. Because none of this is really reference or instruction focused we don't think there's a need for RISG involvement.  Anita will report back as necessary.

To help us keep track of our various projects and progress made Remlee will create a golas and task groups section on the Wiki.  She'll also create a section where we can list things accomplished as they are completed or "check" them off. 

The items for future meetings will be listed in the future agenda items section.